Yuppy 6 Iulie 2018 00:41
Oamenii cu handicap intampina de multe ori situatii neplacute si gasesc dificil sa comunice cu ceilalti. Din fericire, pentru un barbat orb si surd, care se intoarcea acasa si era la bordul unui avion, lucrurile au stat diferit. Fara sa poata comunica cu personalul de zbor, a avut un ajutor neasteptat.

Clara Daly, in varsta de 15 ani, calatorea cu mama sa catre Los Angeles, cand si-a dat seama ca poate ajuta un strain aflat in nevoie. Tim Cook, un barbat surd si orb, avea dificultati in a comunica cu cei de la bordul avionului, in ciuda eforturilor echipajului.

Atunci cand s-a intrebat daca cineva stie limbajul semnelor, Clara nu a ezistat si s-a oferit sa il ajute pe barbat, ramanandu-i alaturi pe toata durata zborului. Dislexica, adolescenta a invatat limbajul semnelor de cativa ani, pentru a putea sa dialogheze fara sa fie nevoie sa scrie si sa citeasca.
Aceasta a facut diverse gesturi in palma barbatului pentru a putea vorbi cu el, singura modalitate posibila, avand in vedere ca era si orb si surd.

Barbatul i-a pus diverse intrebari si a cerut si un pahar cu apa, cei doi tinandu-si companie pana aproape de destinatie.

Intreaga scena i-a cucerit pe cei din avion, mama copilei surprizand reactiile emotionante ale pasagerilor.

“I saw this gentleman, Tim, in Boston's airport with the sister he'd been visiting. It appeared he was both deaf & blind, as I observed her signing into his hand for him to feel her words. When he came aboard the plane he had been assigned the middle seat of my row. The kind gentleman who had the aisle seat graciously gave it up for him. At this point Tim was traveling alone. The flight attendants sincerely wanted to assist him, but had no way to communicate. I watched as they didn't flinch when he reached out to touch their faces & arms. They took his hand & tried so hard to communicate with him, to no avail. He had some verbal ability, but clearly could not understand them. The man who had given up his seat did his best to assist him with things like opening coffee creamer & putting it in his coffee. When Tim made the attempt to stand up & feel his way to the restroom, his seatmate immediately was up to help him. The flight attendants were talking among themselves & someone suggested paging to see if anyone on board knew sign language. That's when this lovely young woman came into the picture. 15 years old, she learned ASL because she had dyslexia & it was the easiest foreign language for her to learn. For the rest of the flight she attended to Tim & made sure his needs were met. It was fascinating to watch as she signed one letter at a time into his hand. He was able to 'read' her signing & they carried on an animated conversation. When he asked her if she was pretty, she blushed and laughed as the seat mate, who had learned a few signs, communicated an enthusiastic yes to Tim. I don't know when I've ever seen so many people rally to take care of another human being. All of us in the immediate rows were laughing and smiling & enjoying his obvious delight in having someone to talk to. Huge kudos to the flight attendants of Alaska Airlines who went above & beyond to meet Tim's needs. I can't say enough about this beautiful young woman named Clara who didn't think twice about helping her fellow passenger. It was a beautiful reminder, in this time of too much awfulness, that there are still good people who are willing to look out for each other.” -Lynette S.

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